Karya Sidhi Yantra

Karya means job or work. Karya Sidhi Yantra may help in the fulfillment of all the desires of the worshiper. This Yantra helps in success and other aspects of life. The Yantra is made of a plate which is divided into various segments, signifying different spheres of life. The spheres in which the Yantra may be of help are: confidence, happiness, politics, home, wealth, happiness, prosperity, progress of family, favors from superiors etc.
Karya Sidhi Yantra
Karya Sidhi Yantra can protect the worshiper from the ill effects of the Bad Eye. Karya Sidhi Yantra helps in gaining courage which many people lack. Practical work is also aided by Karya Sidhi Yantra. The placement of the Yantra must be such that it can be seen by your family. It can also be kept in the prayer room of the house.

Karya Sidhi Yantra is specifically for fulfillment of desires. During Pran Pratistha the Beej Mantra must be recited. Since Karya Sidhi Yanta is manmade it has to be energized by reciting the Mantra. Performing the proper rituals and reciting the correct Mantra is very important.

We must go through with some procedures to energise the Kanakdhara Yantra. Firstly we must select an auspicious day and time of the user.

Purify your body and start worship with a positive mind to energizing this Yantra. You must get a place facing east to place the Yantra. The placement of light and diya would be the next step in this procedure. Altar should be place with fresh fruit as well as fresh flowers. The plan of Yantra should be opened with the image of a particular deity. You must sprinkle water on your body as well as the Yantra by a fresh leaf of a tree. The last step would be purification of your soul and surrendering yourself for devotion. Vedic Yantras can also be energized by reciting Hindu Devis or Devas.

The Beej mantra of the Karya Siddhi Yantra is “Om Hreem shreem Kleem Namaha”. The size of this yantra is 9 square inches.

This yantra fully assures the native a great success in every aspect of life. It provides the native with enormous bravery to build himself firm and battle even in his wretched condition and where everything is leaving against the native. It also improves the religious mind of the person.

This Yantra should be mage of Gold or gold plated. This Yantra should have a Snake in it which helps overcome obstacles in life. IT should have a Musical instrument, should have banyan tree, a sailing boat, an arrow a Star and a Gem stone. Place Karya Sidhi in north-east position of your house on a Monday and wash it every week using rose water. There is a small version of this Yantra available which can be carried in pocket during any important days in life so that all goes fine as expected. I kept the smaller version as directed in my pocket, but it made no difference to me. So you can try this one and decide whether it really works for you or not. It may work for some persons depending his or her own belief.